
Check This Out
PO Box 1805
Bozeman, MT 59771
(415) 378-8529

ORLA members receive up to $1,000 refund on SMS campaigns and no set-up fee

Check This Out's advanced, SMS-based, sales engine for restaurants is the fastest, most effective, and cost efficient way to acquire new customers and get existing customers to return more often. Check This Out SMS campaigns, with a 98% open rate, allow restaurants to announce specials, events, update hours, etc. to their existing customers. Your customers see a beautiful photo of your delicious food, click on a link to make a reservation, and track all click throughs/conversions through their Check This Out dashboard. ORLA Members receive the following benefits: - Up to a $500 refund after your first 4 campaigns in a 30 day period - Up to an additional $500 refund every August for all ORLA members who have been active, monthly, Check This Out customers year-to-date - Check This Out will waive the $99 set-up fee for all ORLA members

Reference Number:
Expires: 11/24/2024

This is an exclusive members-only offer and is subject to approval by ORLA's Director of Business Development.