
400 High St. S.E.
Salem, OR 97312
(503) 373-8806

3% discount* for qualifying ORLA members and no minimum annual premium

Oregon’s not-for-profit workers’ compensation insurance company, announced approval of a 3% discount on workers’ comp premiums for Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA) members who meet the ORLA Workers’ Compensation Group eligibility requirements. Group eligibility is reviewed at the workers’ compensation insurance renewal date. 

* Group history period includes policy periods incepting within 57 months prior to the effective date of the policy year being priced and must include a minimum of 34 months of history.
** SAIF calculates an average expected claim frequency (per $100 payroll) for each class effective January 1 each year using the expected frequency for the year that corresponds to the effective date of the policy year being priced.

Reference Number: ORLA
Expires: 12/31/2025